Saturday, June 18, 2011

This little piggy's going to the Market(Place)

I've never been the clubbing type. I can count the number of visits I've made over the past 10 years with my 2 hands.

However, I've chosen, yet again, to defy my instincts and give it yet another try. Some people say that each experience you have in life is always uniquely different from another's. Let's hope this will be a pleasant one for me.

As luck would have it, I've a friend to whom I recently came out to, and he's been egging me to go with him to the MarketPlace. Yes. The MarketPlace. Jeez, the number of lines and puns I have for this place... waitaminute, I think I'll just make a post out of all the lines I know!

For one, this is one unique meat Market that's pretty popular around town. Apparently, it serves a great deal of beef. And cake. Note that don't mean it in a literal sense, and that the two are not mutually exclusive.

This Place, it Markets itself primarily for dining, with drinking on the side, but those who patronize the place frequently know better. Incidentally, if you don't know yet, the meat Market I just spoke of is a black Market of sorts. Not that it Markets black meat, mind you, although that would be a wildly delicious Place. This happens to be the case because the nation it belongs to has no tolerance for such Markets, officially speaking. Therefore, it relies on underground Marketing to thrive on, i.e. word-of-mouth, contacts, etc.

Personally, I like my Markets the way they are, dirty, smelly, and rich with ingredients. The culinary sort. Although it's been a fantasy for me to Market myself in this Place, I have a grave feeling that I will not like facing that reality, and then I will have no Place to put my face.

Overall, I think we all yearn to find our own Place in this world, and part of us think that we can buy it off a Market. Perhaps, this is why we find ourselves mingling, hustling, grinding and heaving our way through this Market, hoping to satiate our hunger through a delicious one night course. Hoping, that we will no longer feel out of Place.

This wrong mind has fabricated its own Place, and knows that leaving it will be inevitable. It doesn't make the process any less undesirable.


  1. Remember to blog your sex-citing experiences at MP tonight ya!!!

  2. It wasn't as sexciting as I expected. But apparently everyone either went to Singapore for the big sale, or they went to Singapore for Pink Dot. But it was ok as a first time experience.

  3. Wonder if I will ever set foot in that place. I still keep my record of not having clubbed in KL.

  4. I would say it's eye-opening, only because I've never experienced a gay club. It's one thing to expect a place full of guys, it's another when they chant to the new JLo-Pitbull song. An experience to be had. :)

  5. hahhahahah! the poor soul who 'egged' you to go ><
    it is definitely a pasar!! muahahahhaha!!
