Saturday, January 1, 2011

For the Moments. Those that were and those to come.

Since I was denied my sleep prior to midnight, I shall be posting this entry.

I was showering and preparing to continue watching the ending to Cinema Paradiso. It's such a nice movie that it doesn't occur to me that it is almost 3 hours long.

It's now the first hour of 2011. I don't have any new resolutions. I only wish to keep the resolve I've had for the past year.

Right now, it's like war outside, lots of pops and booms. I managed to hop outside with my brother for a moment to catch the last of the fireworks. The streetlights paled in comparison, and while we were half-heartedly admiring the light show, half a dozen of dogs were scurrying away from the fireworks, cowering from the sound. This reminds me of Fluffy. I still miss him.

We went back upstairs and I went to wish Ma and Pa a Happy New Year. I caught Pa snacking on prawn crackers, which he shouldn't be doing, but it's the New Year, and it's his life.

So I continued on with the movie, and that was followed by the end of this post.

I don't have anything I haven't already resolved to do, like I said earlier. But I do have my list of demands of life. The things that I don't believe are in my control.

Actually, I would really just like to fall in love, for once.

Or maybe it's just the movie talking right now.

Good night, folks, and Happy New Year.

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