Thursday, October 27, 2011

Needing, of Knowing, of Wanting.

Got this off another dear blogger, Max.

This pic struck me, more than I would've liked. Perhaps I don't really know what I want.

Do you?

Are you clear and concise with your plans and choices that you make and can never veer off?

Or are you brash and reckless and live life on the edge not knowing what comes next?

I never pictured myself as the planning type but it seems that I've been 'arranging' a lot of occasions and events these months. Then again, I get little hits like this pic, and suddenly I feel like cancelling most of my plans.......... make sense?


  1. Depends on how you're looking at the picture. Looks a bit as if they are both undecided about the kiss as well!

  2. found your blog through another blog i read. love da pic! on a side note, how do you ever pass your CFA? i am currently preparing for level 3 next year. for the life of me, i keep jumping from one book to another cause certain topics are just so dry!

  3. savante: If I've ever been in that position, I would say it's the moment right before they kiss. That split second pause, and that moment of clarity.

    joshua: It's just hard work. Hahah, if you can make it past level 2, 3 isn't that big of a deal. I failed level 2 because I slacked off. I went for classes for level 3 and devoted almost a full month of study and managed to pull through. :) Fear not, young padawan.
