Friday, April 22, 2011

The Right Minds That Govern Thee

This really is an outrage. Dahlah pakai iklan syampu tanpa rambut, skarang buat pandai nak 'memulihkan' org pulak. Please check this link out and tell me if you feel as offended.

Boot camp in Malaysia for effeminate boys slammed

Every week I find new reasons I don't want my Malaysian citizenship anymore. I just returned from South Korea and one of the first things the tour guide commented about us Malaysians is the wonderment that we don't migrate. The tour guide is a South Korean born Chinese citizen. He holds a Permant Residentship in South Korea. He can freely stay in both countries and enjoy the full privileges a citizen can in both countries.

Get this. I hold a Malaysian citizenship, and I belong to a class of citizens that do not get a wide range of benefits provided only to certain races of this country. Why the hell am I still here, driving the economy of a bigoted nation? Am I asking for more? No, I'm content with what 'privileges' I'm already entitled to. I simply ask that the rest of the country be treated the same.

Oh woe is this wrong mind, in the land which its blood has been spilt upon.

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