Thursday, April 28, 2011


You're not who you are, but how people perceive you to be. Are you middle class? Are you short? fat? dumber than the average joe? Is it really your fault?

You know it's true. People tell you to stop comparing. But what's left if not for comparison? What's a goal  if it's not to be measured, and what is measurement if it's for measurement's sake only? Look at your own goals. Don't say carpe diem just because you can. Look at the specifics. You want to grow, because you feel small. You want to rise because you think you're beneath it all. You want power because you are weak.... You want happiness because you can't look at yourself and say the same.

Today was a day for differences. Some large and some not so much. But it was the day where they are brought to light. We choose to fit in, and we assume it's the case as the days pass without a falling out. Not that there was a falling out today, but the lights shone in some places where people hide things. Things they don't want to be seen. Things that don't fit. I think it's important to fit in, because it's how people function without destroying each other. However, at this age, where individualism is at an ever rising peak of advocacy, the world could be in a larger state of disarray than we can ever imagine, despite the illusion of peace it gives us.

Where do you fit in? How do you compare? When will you be content? It doesn't stop..... and, I don't think it should.

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