Sunday, June 5, 2011

Back, With a Vengeance

It's been a hell of a couple of months, but yes, I'm back. Hopefully for good, this time.

On the whole, I didn't miss the entire experience of giving up everything else in the name of possibly enhancing my career, but I am satisfied somewhat. I think I did okay. Not a guaranteed pass, but there's hope. My fingers are crossed.

What I did like about the experience is that huge wave of relief that rushes through you the moment the clock strikes off the last second of the period. It was the yearn for all that entertainment that kept me going. The friends, the gaming, the sports, the movies, and, oh, the porn. Sometimes I wonder if I picked the right line to work in. Scratch that, I always wonder. One day, when my duty and passion are one and the same, I'll be in peace.

Tomorrow's the Duanwu Festival aka Dragon Boat Festival aka Dumpling Festival. The last of the common names obviously applies the most to me. I'm no connoisseur but I do love my glutinous rice dumplings. There are many dumpling recipes in our big, multi-clan, Chinese food network. There's the yellow dumpling, which is dipped in alkaline water and savoured with sweet dips and sauces - my least favourite. There's the savoury type, sometimes differentiated by clan, or place, like the Hakka dumpling or Shanghainese dumpling. At this point, I went to wiki it. You should too. Looking at it makes me drool. I bought some for dinner, among other foods.

I went crazy with the food., as usual, because after my study binge, comes a food binge. Actually, after any binge, comes a food binge. Even after a food binge, another food binge can come. Sadly, there's a work binge tomorrow. Which means, there'll be another food binge!

Oh love. I'm even looking forward to the work tomorrow. Anything but studying. I'm done with academia for these few years of my life. Honestly.